Tuesday 23 February 2016

"Literature transmits incontrovertible condensed experience... from generation to generation."

It was a lovely surprise today to see the sun out and brightly shining. Even more surprising though was finding that the temperature was also on the up. Days like this, when we have nothing else planned means only one thing, Micro Scooters time!

There was a pile of read books by the boys bedroom door waiting to be returned to the library and the sudden change in weather gave us all we needed for a scoot to the library for something new to read. there is a lot of anticipation around Shropshire at the moment with the possible closure of some of our libraries and maybe no more mobile library because of funding cuts, which is a depressing thought. The Library is playing a huge part in the development of the boys, Opeie especially because we go so much and although our local library is not on that list I can't help but think how sad it is for the people local to them that rely on the information and literature to get by.

Anyway that's enough doom and gloom for one post! I love scooting down to the library with Opeie, it's around 20 minutes away from the house but it's safe and smooth which is great. Opeie is like a rocket so I spend most of my journey trying to keep up with him.

At the library he takes care of everything himself, he returns his books, makes his way to the children's area, picks a pile of books and then books them out himself. I'm slowly starting to become obsolete.

With Opeie reading by himself now we've started using the ready to read section of the library which is great. I love watching Opeie develop into the awesome kid that he is and the library has played a big part in just how awesome he is.

After sitting down briefly and Opeie reading 'The Magic Melon' to me, it was Time to get back on our library mobiles and head home. Micro scooters have changed the way we do everything and have really helped with Opeie's independence. Until next time readers... Vrooooom!!! (That would be the sound of Opeie's Micro noise maker).

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