Monday 18 July 2016

"No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you."

Back in March, we asked Opeie what he wanted to do for his 5th birthday and he was desperate to go to the cinema to see Zootopia. Disney do an amazing job of getting the hype out for their new movies and Opeie had seen trailers and posters for what had seemed like months building up to the release date.

On the day of his birthday, we had a family outing to the cinema and as expected the film was AMAZING! I can't ever remember being disappointed by a Disney movie. Our trip to the cinema inevitably kick started Opeie's love of Judy Hopps and all her friends. Opeie is a huge Disney fan and loves the classics but Zootopia had him talking about the movie for weeks. The great thing about the release of a Disney movie is the products that tie in with it, hitting the shops. I remember snapping up as many cars as I could when Seth was going through his Disney Cars phase and as always, it was so much fun playing with him.

the movie had Opeie pining after one prop, the carrot recorder. From the minute we walked out of the cinema Opeie was asking if you could buy them, so when one arrived through the post along with his very own Zootopia PD badge he was super excited and ready to start cleaning up the streets. Opeie's bottle holder on his Micro scooter made an excellent front seat for his talking Judy Hopps and together Zootopia PD's finest were set to change the world.

 Since then the pair have been inseparable and Judy has been on all of our adventures alongside Opeie's trusted sidekick Rose. I love it when a movie has this much of an impact on the day to day fun that we have and Opeie's new job as the latest ZPD hotshot is definitely keeping us all entertained.


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