I'm not really sure why but sometimes I write posts (or start to write posts) and they never get published. This evening I clicked on my drafts folder and found 50 posts in there. I started clicking on each one, some were jibberish, some were clearly during a bad day, some where heartbreaking but some were just lost, never finding their way to the publish button. So this evening I thought I would post one from around this time 2 years ago, enjoy...

Although it's a very British way to be I try not to moan too much about the bad weather in this country. I like to think that as a family we are creative enough to make the most of any weather, braving all of the elements in search of adventure. That being said though I love how much easier everything becomes during continuous bouts of great weather. I don't crave days that are baking hot, in fact, they make me feel irritable. I'm more content with just being able to open up the back door at 7am and leave it open while I'm making breakfast.
This was going to be a post about the things I love doing during the summer months but as I made a folder of images to use I realised that all the things I love could quite easily be done during the winter months, it just takes a little more effort to motivate myself.

The sunshine does put me in a great mood and I always find that generally people seem to be a little more friendly when the sun is out. The big exciting part of the summer for me is Seth not being at school. A woman in the supermarket today said "6 weeks is too long" (she was complaining about her child though) but honestly I don't think it's nearly enough time. The summer is all about fun but that doesn't mean you can't throw daily fun learning in there too. That muddy winter back garden with leafless dead looking trees that you have put up with for months becomes a dry warm and colourful platform for learning like no other, crawling around on your hands and knees looking for new friends in the bushes.
I love wrapping up and going to the beach out of season but warm days and sunshine means lighter clothes and not being restricted by coats and hats. you can run up and down the beach and splash in the sea care free.
Getting out on our Micro scooters has been a huge thing this summer, it's given the boys that extra independence and has been fantastic for Seth's mobility issues as he seems to find scooting effortless.
We love going out walking no matter what this British weather is throwing at us, in fact, its how me and Opeie spend a huge chunk of our weeks, fully embracing our surroundings, (throw in a picnic and there's really no comparison). These walks are so much nicer though when you can take off your shoes and splash those hot and tired feet in the stream, warm sunshine adds a much more relaxed feel to any day out.
One of my favourite things about summer, when I was younger was being able to take my indoor activities outside in the garden including simple good old fashion pen and paper. Suddenly you're not confined to the four walls of your room and every bush, tree and rock can become part of your creative adventure. You can let your imagination run wild, the summer weather for us really opens up our world to creativity.
Everywhere looks far more attractive when the sun is out and the summer gives you some great photo opportunities, flowers are in bloom, the sky is blue and everywhere is colourful and bright which is how I see my life and the beautiful family I have...
In the hunt for summer pictures I found an old shot that made me well up (I always get mushy over old pictures of Opeie). It was taken almost three years ago and it made me think of just how happy we all were (and still are). The sunshine brings out the best in most people and it makes everything seem that little bit more fun. Summer will always be my favourite time of year, because...
...There's no holding us back from our adventures.