Wednesday 29 October 2014

"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win."

Inspired by the recent Golden Brickies and secretly being entertained on an unhealthy level by Mrs M's competitive nature I thought it would be a fun idea this week to have a build off. We had popped to the toy shop to get Opeie something for his good behaviour. Initially he chose a LEGO Ultra Agents kit (which I know will make Mrs Ultra agents very happy), but as he rounded the next aisle the kit was handed back and replaced by the LEGO Disney Princess Rapunzel's Creativity tower. (He's a lover of pink and bright colours just like me).

We had the LEGO City Auto Transporter Sitting at home waiting to be built so I challenged Mrs M to some fun in the bedroom. LEGO being the fun and the boys room being the competition venue. 

The competition kicked off with Mrs M complaining that she had 'more little pieces' than i did and it was going to take her a lot longer to build, but she soon ripped the bags open ahead of me and started getting stuck in. Clearly she wanted the head start because she very quickly asked me to go and put some music on while we were building, which was followed ten minutes later by 'can you put something different on please'. It was Mrs M's usual dirty tactics.

With the auto transporter having 350 pieces, Rapunzels tower coming in at 299 and me being the pro builder i thought the competition was about even so i took my time and played with Opeie as i was creating the LEGO masterpiece. Mrs M had the look of sheer determination on her face and there was no way she was letting me win, she was in it to win it. 

I love the LEGO City kits so i was taking it all in building. The City kits always take me back to being a child. As a little builder back in the 80s, it was a police station, along with lots of road base plates that really started this fascination with LEGO that i still have today. The auto transporter comes with two cars and while Opeie built the two minifigures included, i breezed through making them. But i spent a lot of this time watching what Mrs M was doing. I love the Disney Princess and Friends kits, so much colour.

I was soon on to bag two and Mrs M followed close behind, it was shaping up to be an excellent LEGO battle. Mrs M usually isn't a fan of our beloved bricks but she was building like a pro and had her eyes on the prize. I think Opeie's excitement playing with Rapunzel and Pascal was all the fuel she needed to get the kit built quickly so they could play.

Part of me wished i could have filmed the whole thing as Mrs M's competitive streak had reached its peak. and one point Opeie said 'mommy I've hurt my finger!' the response "I'll have a look at it in a bit". Nothing was taking her attention off the build (that's focus). Not to worry though i tended to Opeie's finger and was back from A&E within the hour (just kidding).

The competition was starting to heat up and Mrs M needed a towel to mop her brow. I think she was feeling more pressure than a day at the office.

Bag 3 and i was on the home stretch but Mrs M's tower was starting to look pretty glorious. To be honest i had decided quite early on that i wish we had swapped kits, I'm a sucker for a bit of pink. While we were building me and Opeie had an in depth conversation about the LEGO Frozen Elsa's castle that's coming out soon and what he wants to do with it if we get it, so cute.

It seemed i had taken Mrs M's building skills for granted and with the trailer still to build while she casually sorted out the towers awesome amount of brightly coloured accessories it was obvious that i needed to up my game before she wiped the floor with me.

It literally came down to the dying seconds, but who won???

Yes I (the household master builder) was beaten, by the family member that claims she doesn't like LEGO. It was a dark day but i held my head high. mainly because i wanted to just get past the gloating so i could play. As my forfeit it was my turn to get tea on while our very own princess put her feet up and played...

Ready for food delivery around 6 o clock!

(oh no!!!! i put the sticker on upside down haha!! i should be ashamed.)

"Hooray for Peter Pumpkinhead"

As a family we have many annual traditions, an array of things that we look forward to throughout the year. I think it's so important as a family to have these special and personal things that we do. It's a way of bringing us together, especially with all the other things going on in our lives.

One of our yearly traditions is picking pumpkins at Essington fruit farm, When the temperature starts to drop that's when i start looking forward to our Halloween trip. I remember the first visit like it was yesterday travelling by tractor up to the Pumpkin patch, Opeie was 7 months old and when i looked back at the pictures a minute ago i was reminded just how little Seth was. It was cold but a lovely sunny day and we laughed and joked around in the field studying each pumpkin so that we could be sure to make the perfect selection

We missed the following year as the weather had been so awful, the crops had been rained off. Last year though it was all go and we were stomping through the pumpkin patch once more. What we didn't realise last year though was that we were not supposed to be in the field, we just made our own way and helped ourselves, oops. I love having these things to look forward to every year and the boys get so excited, It's nice to think these special family outings are giving them great lifelong memories.

So its that time of year again and last weekend seemed like the perfect time to head out on our yearly hunt for something big and orange to stick a knife it. Opeie was a little more excited this year too being that bit older. When we arrived at the farm we couldn't believe how busy it was. There was a country fare on and there were cars and people everywhere. They always have amazing carved pumpkins on show but this year they had the artists there so you could watch them at work.

The queue for the tractor ride up to the pumpkin field was insanely long so we decided to venture up to the pumpkin patch on foot. When we reached the field as always we were greeted by masses of the Halloween fruit ready for the taking...

We had our usual muck about, or should i say, Me and Mrs M as usual were acting like children...

But we were there on serious business and our 3 and 8 year old children informed us of that. Time to pick our pumpkins. picking the right pumpkin is a big decision and one not to be taken lightly. I cant wait to get carving this week.

Our Pumpkin picking session was cut a little short when a tired Opeie fell over in the field and got prickles in his hand, bless him, we were all getting a little cold though so we waited for the tractor to take us back. This years pumpkin picking adventure was complete, now time to let our creative juices run wild.

On the drive home i had a song stuck in my head inspired by the day. A CD I had bought when i was about 14 (wow 20 years ago that's crazy). I'll leave you with the song i was humming all the way home and i hope you have fun carving your pumpkins...

Monday 27 October 2014

"Cats are connoisseurs of comfort."

I often think about what the pitter patter of a new pair of tiny feet would be like around the house and both me and Mrs M are broody a lot of the time. I didn't for one second think that the next pair of feet in the house would actually be two pairs. For the past few years Mrs M has been going on about getting a cat but over the last few months she was bordering on crazy cat lady status.

Every time she mentioned having a cat, text me a picture of one looking cute or explained how she thinks she's part cat (yes she's crazy), I usually just shrugged it off, that or gave her a list of reasons why not to have one. It's not that I'm not an animal lover I'm just not big on pets for various reasons.

The pressure for a feline sidekick was reaching it's peak though and it was clear that it was inevitable we would at some point be getting a cat. The situation multiplied exponentially when I befriended a real life crazy cat lady called Tabiitha (who has 5 cats), after that there was no turning back.

After finding out about Mrs M's 'lack of cat' predicament, I think Tabiitha made it her mission to get a cat re-homed and in to our house and to be fair it didn't take her long at all. Especially after I received this picture message one morning of a beautiful cat that needed re-homing, even I fell in love with her. We called the owner to arrange a visit and a few weeks back as we were travelling back from a weekend in London we took a detour armed with a pet carrier.

The owners were looking to re-home Polly but had already turned two families away as they didn't think they were the right family for their well loved cat. Obviously because of that we were a little nervous/anxious about the visit. Mrs M had fallen in love and i was really warming to the idea of having a new family member. There really was no need to worry though, we all got on great and spent some time at their home chatting about life (and of course cats).

That afternoon we took her back to her new home. The look on Mrs M's face was priceless and having a cat in the house seems to have really changed her for the better. I also think that coming home to her after a busy day at work is quite relaxing for her. Polly was quite scared for the first week or so which was understandable being taken from her home. I've avoided writing this post until now as I didn't want to spend the first week waving a camera in her face.

She's settled in now and she's one of the family, sleeping at our feet and rubbing noses with Opeie. I was so against having a cat but last week I text Mrs M while she was at work to apologise for all the feline negativity before we got her because I adore how she makes everyone in the house smile and Opeie has clearly got a new best friend which is amazing. She was a little dubious at first when it came to the boys but she follows Opeie about now. One of the things that i think is adorable is that when Opeie wakes up sometimes he is a little teary and Polly responds to him crying by finding him and meowing, it's adorable

Not the tiny feet I had been longing for but honestly I couldn't pick a more adorable fluffy child to fill that void. Polly is one of us now and we feel so lucky to have been the ones to re-home this little beauty. Meeeeeoooooooow!

Sunday 26 October 2014

"There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds."

Hi its Seth I haven't written a post in ages so I decided to write about my LEGO castle I made.
The door at the front is made out of circle pieces because I didn't want to use a door. Through the door there is lots of rooms but first I am going to write about level1. Level 1 doesn't have much in but you can put lots of treasure in it. If you go up the stairs to level 2 that is where you will meet the guards, they are guarding the castle where all the treasure is kept.

In side level 2 there is a treasure storage room there isn't a lot in there. Next to it there is a big jail sell inside it there is bad guys and a bridge. On the bridge there is ropes like a draw bridge.

The canon is to stop enemies attacking it .There is a secret hatch so you can get up and down the steps.

The top is my favourite because it looks like a tree house.

This picture shows that I built it (I love how Seth is making it clear that its his work, they are definitely not the hands of a hand model) .To finish the build i added in lots of minifigures like knights, soldiers, jester, queens guard and a naked viking. even though the guards are good at guarding the castle some soldiers manged to sneak in.

The royal guard dosen't look happy.

The king is guarding the castle on his horse.

This is the castle done on the front.

This is a look out tower where the troopers look from, Indiana Jones is keeping watch.

I'm really proud of how it came out and i am now building a pizza shop which i will write about soon. bye x