Sunday 11 August 2013

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”

Although we put a little aside for the boys where we can and we would never see them go without no matter what age, to me money isn't important, It never has been. Too many people out there obsess about what they have and haven't got and money is the driving force of everything they do. When I was younger we didn't have much money and I've turned out just fine. Although it will be nice to give the boys money towards a house or car etc I think it's so much nicer to be able to give them memories. I do all I can to make sure the boys have got an amazing life to look back on. The blog is part of that, I would have loved something like this to read if I'd have had a happy family life..

I think it's really important for the boys to have things to look back on, photos of family adventures and thoughtful personal gifts and cards that show them just how much they mean to us. Opeie as you know if you're a regular reader is a bit of a bookworm and has been a fan of the Lorax for quite sometime, although he already has the book I thought it would be nice to get him a copy to put aside for when he's older.

While I was having a look on eBay I spotted this eco friendly copy of the book made from 100% recycled paper. I loved the colour scheme and the vintage look so I though it would be a nice edition to add to Opeie's memory box which I have been adding to since before he was born. It's nice for the boys to have books with personal messages in too as books are such a big part of their lives.

I'm going to need something a lot bigger soon for their memory boxes but I know that when they are given to them as adults they are sure to bring back some very happy memories and help them to understand how in love with them I am

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