Thursday 22 January 2015

"The brain is wider than the sky."

In keeping with our learning about the body activity a week or so ago we decided to try another activity which me and Opeie had fun with last week. I had explained all about the brain and Seth had helped to tell Opeie about its uses and the way it controls our movement etc. To start the fun we needed to draw the brain. I drew the outline and Opeie had fun drawing all the 'wriggly worms' on.

We then talked about what things Opeie thinks about day to day. I'm always wondering whats going on in his little head. He has such a fun life and it would be really interesting to know how he interprets what goes on.

I started the fun off with a great quote from Opeie he'd said about 20 minutes before... 'i think gherkin sounds like a nice word but i don't like the taste of it', (i guess they are an acquired taste).

I love when Opeie and Seth draw pictures of us and when asked what he thinks about the most he said "Mommy and daddy" and got straight to drawing a lovely portrait of us both which i adored.

There was no surprise at all that LEGO was also in the top things that are thought about throughout the day. I'll admit i has hoping for him to completely blow my mind with something really obscure, but what he actually did was tell me how important me and Mrs M are, how much he loves his big brother and how much of an impact Polly has made on his daily routine.

an entertaining short activity with the always adorable little version of me

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