Sunday 11 August 2013

"The fruit derived from labour is the sweetest of pleasures"

Never before have i fallen in love with a piece of machinery, I'm not the sort of person thats ever bothered about 'stuff' and the things that we own. I don't tend to get attached to items like people do to their phones or computers but i would be gutted if anything happened to our new juicer. As we had been using our old one so much we thought it would be a good idea to invest in an industrial one as i don't think we were fully getting the benefits out of our centrifugal juicer.

Its a lot bulkier and doesn't really fit in with the kitchen aesthetics but since having it we've realise we had been slumming it with our old juicer as this beast can take on anything you shove down its chute. The boys are getting in to fruit and vegetable juice more now too which is great for their five a day not to mention all the health benefits that come with it. Seth likes to play a game where I make a fruit juice and sneak a vegetable or two in there for him to guess. Who'd have thought vegetables could be so fun.

There's even attachments for using it to make pasta, pretzels and bread sticks but most importantly for Mrs M is that we've already used it to make ice cream. (although I can't eat it due to not being able to eat banana's, rubbish!). Our healthy lifestyle continues with the help of our new juicy friend.


Rebecca Beesley said...

that juicer looks awesome - I thought it was a toy at first! Love the recycled jam jars - great idea. x

GiftsFromThePirates said...

Thanks for the comment, I love the jam jars they last a lot longer than any of the glasses we've brought in the past. And the juicer is a toy, it's my big boy toy xx