Tuesday 3 September 2013

"The score never interested me, only the game."

When we are given a product to write about my mind is flooded with ideas of what I want to do, it usually tends to be a little eccentric but then that pretty much sums me up. The problem I have is that no matter how great my directional skills are,my cast of actors being 6 and 2 have more of a spontaneous approach to the job in hand (I'd be lying if I said sometimes this doesn't turn out better though). Because of this I generally have to work with whatever I have to pull together.

The Janod animal domino's from thetoadstool.co.uk are a great little set perfect for teaching the classic game (which at 2 Opeie really doesn't understand), with the added bonus of animal domino's on the reverse, which was actually a lot better for Opeie as he loved the fact he had to keep checking to see if he had the animals bum (much easier for younger players). Although I'm not going to bore you with the script and big plans for the post, which instantly went out the window when fake mustaches were applied to the boys (never under estimate the level of excitement caused by a mustache). Anyway, The Janod animal domino's...

Available at thetoadstool.co.uk

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