Friday 20 September 2013

"I do not paint a portrait to look like the subject, rather does the person grow to look like his portrait."

There is something so heart warming about the first time your child brings you a picture that they have drawn of you, and today was that day. Usually when Opeie draws its The Cat in the hat, the Lorax, Spider-man or maybe one of the Wonder pets but today Opeie's little face was very excited and he looked very proud handing me a picture he had drawn of his ever doting Daddy.
Ive seen many a squiggle on a piece of paper that is his interpretation of his favourite book or movie characters, but today Opeie's drawing actually had human characteristics, i was really impressed at the detail, you may not see it but Opeie informed me that the darker squiggle at the bottom was actually my beard, Genius. It's only a small drawing and i really don't want to lose it so I'm going to cut it out and stick it in my sketchbook i have started of Opeie pictures. Today marks a big step in the creative side of Opeie's development, I'm so proud of the way he is turning out and for 2 years old i think his artistic expression and creative thinking is truly outstanding.


3yearsandhome said...

For a two year old, that's pretty awesome. My almost three year old still can't get a circle that round or attempt to add features. No wonder you're so proud.

GiftsFromThePirates said...

Ill be honest i was quite suprised when i saw it. Hes only recently become interested in drawing and getting involved in craft etc so ill be taking full advantage. Thanks for the lovely comment xx