Monday 15 July 2013

Sketchbook memories #1 - Daddy and Opeie at 6 weeks old

Just over a week ago i wrote a post about finding an old sketch book and how i used to doodle pictures relevant to the start of mine and Mrs M's relationship (click here to read the post), it was my way of dealing with the time we had to spend apart because of our living situations and being in different counties. I hadn't drawn in there or at all for quite some time but really wanted to get back in to my sketching. For my birthday last week Mrs M brought me a new sketch book, i thought it would be nice to sketch for Opeie, photos of him that i love and funny things that happen on this journey of being a dad.

It already seems that finding time to do this is not going to be easy as i always seem to have so much other stuff i need to be getting on with. Being a stay at home dad is a full time job after all. Last night though while Mrs M was busy in the kitchen baking cookies and the boys were in bed i found myself with a little time for a quick sketch. I'm thinking of making this a permanent fixture on the blog, hopefully meaning ill motivate myself to find time to draw and squeeze the quick doodles in where i can. My first sketch is from a photo of me and Opeie that was taken when he was around six weeks old, I thought it was fitting to start the sketch book where in many ways i feel like my life really began.

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