Friday 13 December 2013

“Young cat! If you keep Your eyes open enough, Oh, the stuff you will learn! The most wonderful stuff!”

The boys are bookoholics which i love, when Opeie is feeling tired at home and wants to relax he will usually request 'books and bed', this is one of my favourite times of the day. If you are a regular reader then you will know that Dr. Seuss makes an appearance at our house daily.  Today when Opeie requested 'books and bed' i realised just how much Opeie takes in when he is being read to.  This is just part of the reading session we had. While reading a Dora the explorer book Opeie started reading on his own and i had to stop him and get it on camera...


Em @ snowingindoors said...

It officially doesn't get any cuter than this. Full stop!!

GiftsFromThePirates said...

Thanks Em, he makes me well up all the time with his cuteness. I hope he stays that way x