Wednesday 28 October 2015

"Interior design is a business of trust"

Over the last few months the boys Nintendo gaming style (especially Seth's) when playing their 3ds' has really changed. With the release of games like Tomodachi life, Gardening Mama and Pokemon Omega Ruby, Seth has really been getting in to the role playing games and I think it is because there is a lot more substance to this kind of gaming. When we were asked to review Animal Crossing Happy home Designer the boys jumped at the chance. Opeie was really eager to get playing but not being able to read yet was going to be an issue. So the game has now become our quiet time (outside of reading) together, Opeie plays the game and I read, great team work!

First off Opeie loves being able to play as himself and being able to design yourself as the main character is definitely going to appeal to most children. In Animal crossing Happy home designer Opeie is a Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen kind of character who works for Nook's homes. Everyone we have met in the village so far has been in need of a full renovation on their property (which of course is great for business).

Happy home designer puts you in the creative driving seat straight away, starting each remodel from a blank canvas. You are given a brief idea from the customer, asked to include a few of their prized possessions (one customers prize possession was a cup of tea... I hear that!) and then it's all down to you and your creative flair.

Now lacking in a child's imagination and brimming with reasoning and logic I found myself getting a little concerned when Opeie put a toilet in the middle of a room with the dining table right next to it, but who am I to get in the way of cutting edge interior design. It turned out that the client adored Opeie's choices anyway. Which goes to show that aside from the reading this game could be played by any age group really.

As you progress through the game you unlock a great choice of furnishings including carpets, wallpaper, artwork and electronic gadgetry. You also build a name for yourself by word of mouth and the respect of your co workers opening up bigger jobs with the mayor around the village.

Personally I've always been more of a platform game fan but after sitting with Opeie and playing together I can see why these games are such big sellers. Role playing games really make you part of the game and rather than going back to a game each time to have another stab at a level you are struggling with, you are building something big and there is no end to what you achieve. Playing Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer has opened me up to the prospect of playing more role playing games, Seth is still really into Tomodachi life and it does look a lot of fun so that may be my next venture.

If you have a new 3ds or NFC reader/writer (which unfortunately we don't) there are also 100 different animal crossing Amiibo cards to collect helping you drum up more business with potential customers and adding an extra dynamic to your gameplay.

Right I can hear the boss calling and I've got some remodeling to take care of, until next time gamers.

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