Monday 29 February 2016

"The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless."

A month or so ago me and Opeie were having one of our many LEGO sessions, which usually involve him coming up with something and us trying to build it together. This time though he wanted us to make a spy phone each, as he told me that he thought "there are baddies everywhere and they need to be defeated". I thought this was adorable so we began building right away. Usually when we build something together he breaks it up before we've even put the LEGO away, but this time was different.

The phones were finished and we instantly started receiving phone calls from a mysterious person known only as 'The Boss'. Each call comes with the most bizarre missions. When the Boss calls Opeie, no one knows where we will end up or what the day has in store for us. In London this week we captured an evil Owl, a villian named Tiny Joe (who can get in to buildings through the key hole), various London pigeons and an army of Taxidermy ducks. 

When the boss calls me I use the mission for exciting home schooling exercises. If we are at home one of Opeie's toys might get kidnapped and we are left with an activity sheet at the door of every room in the house. To search for his missing friend he must complete the activity to progress through the house. The phones have given us a never ending amount of entertainment.

The great things about these phones are you can get reception anywhere, we've not been conned into a rolling contract that keeps getting more expensive and there's no need for insurance, because if they break we just get more LEGO! (take note EE).

"RING RING....." Sorry guys adventure calls!!!

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