Thursday 2 May 2013

"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."

I'm quite sure that over the last few days most of the UK bloggers have had a post about the sun coming out, sorry to disappoint you but I'm jumping on the ban wagon. It's so much nicer when its bright and sunny and warm. Over the winter i get really lax when it comes to tidying the garden, the shed seems to become a dumping ground and the weeds... well they just take over everything and i cant be bothered to tidy them. As soon as the sun comes out though its a different story. The grass in our back garden is finally cut making it a lot more inviting to the boys to come and play which they have been taking full advantage of.

The weeding still needs doing and there's plants that need putting in the ground but that will come with time. Right now its all about making the most of the sun (could all be gone tomorrow). The garden looks really bare since we sold our climbing frame last week so we're in need of filling it up with new toys, any recommendations?

 In the mean time we can concentrate on other garden fun like feeding the birds...

Feeding ourselves...

 And larger scale painting...

Like many of you i will have my fingers crossed for a good summer, it doesn't seem fair that its only the rabbits that get to take advantage of the garden. I'm going to make it my mission to get the garden looking pretty so we can make the most of it this year.

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