Tuesday 10 February 2015

"Sometimes, walking with a friend, I forget the world."

I was having a clear out of my old phone today and found some pictures from a walk me and Opeie went on a couple of months back. I wanted to put them in a post because i thought Opeie looked adorable. Sadly i never got round to it after we had been out so I'm putting them up now.

When you are a parent blogger its handy to have photogenic children, even better when they love getting in front of the camera.

I'd love to be able to look back on pictures like this from when i was younger so i really hope that the boys enjoy visiting the blog when they are older and taking a not so frosty walk down memory lane.


Anonymous said...

I may have spent close to an hour reading your blog. It's just wonderful, keep it up!

GiftsFromThePirates said...

thank you, again whoever you its great to hear you are enjoying reading about my family.