Wednesday 26 December 2012

"This used to be a funhouse but now it's full of evil clowns. It's time to start the countdown."

For those of you that were not tracking my daily updates on the Facebook page during the 25 days up to today then i thought i would write a quick post with all the Batman figures i had collected for Seth's advent this year. He didn't seem as excited as i had expected in the first few days but as the days went by he got more and more into it. I had loads of fun tracking down figures from carboots, charity shops and ebay and although it took me most of the year to collect them it was well worth the wait.

I'd have loved an advent like this when i was younger, maybe with He-man figures though. Opeie has been loving all the new figures and has been happily running around the house pretending to be either Batman or Superman. I love that the boys are so into their super hero's. I know it wont always be this way and I'm dreading them getting into football or something like that as ill be completely out of my comfort zone, but ill just have to adapt.

I on the other hand will never get fed up with action figures, it's something i have loved since i was a child and have never grown out of it. Even when the boys are all grown up i think ill still be collecting something. The toys that the boys have now will all go into storage for future generations of our toy obsessed family.

I'm not sure i would make an action figure advent again though, i think next year its going to be something completely different which I'm sure i will come up with very soon.

It's boxing day now and due to the opening of the presents yesterday and so much going on the boys forgot to open their advent. I'm assuming they will remember today but you guys can have a sneak peek at day 25 and know how the story ends before the boys do.

I'm sure the end of the story will be loved as after a good battle the boys like to make their figures kiss each other. That's the way it should be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cool advent calendar ..... I'd love something like That ! X