Thursday 2 January 2014

"Letting your mind play is the best way to solve problems."

It's been a long Time since I wrote one of my sitting in the car waiting posts. Not because I haven't been waiting, that will never change but more because I have found the wonders of the DS again thanks to Nintendo sending the boys the new 2ds to play with. Thankfully now I no longer have to concentrate on the grim weather and bleak surroundings to try and entertain myself...

With care and well executed stealth, when Opeie falls asleep I can remove the console from his grasp and begin my gaming fun. I wouldn't remember to pick it up before leaving the house but 9 times out of 10 you can be sure Opeie has it in his hand if he knows we're going in the car. Its served as a great journey filler for Opeie and because of the trips to take and pick up Mrs M from work and Seth from school he's got surprisingly good at many of the games.

Anyway as i pointed out i no longer have times for these posts so I'm off to battle some zombies, track down crazy mushrooms that make me big and strong and build some Lego in Gotham city, Thanks Nintendo.


Rebecca Beesley said...

the boys got a 2DS for Christmas and they love it too! I won't let them take it out the house yet though until we get a case for it. They love the 'faceraiders' game on there. xxx

GiftsFromThePirates said...

That is a funny game. Yeah we had to get a case for ours pretty quick as Opeie is a little clumsy at times. I just need to get myself a 3ds now so that we can play games together while he is doing his physio. xx