Thursday 16 January 2014

"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!"

I'm not the sort person that makes New Years resolutions. You either want to change things about yourself or you don't, being the start of the year doesn't give these things any more chance of happening. I have however told myself that this year I'm going to embrace my creative side a bit more. I'm always thinking of things I want to do and I've started a couple of things that i need to get stuck in to, but writing the blog takes up a lot of my time in the evenings. I'm going to start making more time for it though.

The week before Christmas I started hitting the charity shops and used book shops looking for and loading up on all the Dr. Seuss books I could find for an idea I had for a long drawn out craft session that I'm yet to start. Everywhere we have been recently I've made sure to go into every local charity shop I can find. It's been about three weeks and I've not done to bad, plenty of books for me to destroy in the name of art and even a couple I didn't own for our own personal collection. I've managed to find all these during my outings.

Stay tuned! If it comes out even half as good as I'm expecting it will make for an interesting piece and fun blog post.

1 comment:

Rebecca Beesley said...

can't wait to see what you do with those! Ever since i saw your brilliant idea about the bunting, i keep an eye out for duplicates of my fave books at the charity shops too. x