What a great day we had today, were so lucky to have Seth in our lives. Today Seth decided that he wanted to go to 'The Big Draw' for his Birthday, put on by Wolverhampton art gallery. The big draw is basically an event to bring people together young and old to draw. This year the theme was 2012 and what's happened. There was a very long table and a huge roll of paper and everyone sat down to draw. Mrs M wanted to write the post so here she is...
Hello It's Mrs M.
Today was a very, very special day. It was our
baby boys 6th birthday! I am grateful every single day for Seth. He is
the most caring, thoughtful, kind and lovely boy I have ever met....
It's not just me who's biased, it speaks for it's self when Seth's
teacher welled up, and had tears in her eyes talking about Seth at
parents evening last month. ( She loves him to bits! )
So, We
decided after talking at length that we wanted to do something fun for
Seth on his Birthday... we asked Seth what he wanted to do on his
birthday and he said that he wanted to go to Wolverhampton Art Gallery
to the BIG DRAW 2012. I think this was mainly because he'd looked at the photos of Opeie peering into the ceramic multicolour drawers....
We'd told Seth the BIG DRAW was happening
on his birthday, because we'd been to the Art gallery a few weeks
before. So off we went....

Seth loved looking into all the different shaped, textured drawers, not knowing what to expect.... he was so excited which was lovely, as they were filled with the simpleist of items, coffee beans, rocks , shells, lavender bags, fabric, seeds, grain, he loved it all!!!
Seth also loved the horse that Opeie loves, it was very educational, he was asking me what the horse was made from, and why the wool didn't look like the weaved yarn you find in sweaters. . He loved the 1800's era room mostly, listening to all the different stories on the head phones, and opening all the different drawers again, filled with objects from the 1800s.
I think everyone loves dressing up, don't they? Putting on an item, changing your identity for a few minutes.... Seth certainly loves dressing up, and wanted to try all the different hats, wigs and masks on... which I loved photographing!
( Apparently he was listening to a story about a Doctor in the 1800's )
When Seth opened this drawer in one of the exhibitions, he was so excited as he shouted "LOOK!!! This doll looks just like me!!!" We found that very very sweet indeed!!!
The dressing up didn't stop with the wigs! The boys had fun dressing up as 'old fashioned James Bonds' - everything is about James Bond with Seth at the moment!!!
After we'd walked round the gallery for an hour we decided to join the BIG DRAW - the theme this year was 'Things that have happened throughout the year........... and it was so much fun, I for one could have stayed there all day, but I wasn't feeling well and Opeie and Seth needed to have some lunch.... so we did some drawing and headed home!
Fab photos! Happy Birthday Seth. Finally got around to uploading some of those miffy cards we did...
FAB Pictures! Love the one with the magnifying glasses! x
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