Sunday 31 March 2013

"All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking."

The sun has been glorious where we are but unfortunately its been absolutely freezing so this morning we were umming and ahhing whether to go out or not. We decided to stay in but after lunch Opeie started to get restless. It's come to our attention today that we have never taken Opeie to feed the ducks, I'm not sure how that hasn't happened but it seems like without realising we've managed to avoid it. So we wrapped up warm and went for a drive to a lake up the road, but not before heading to the shop for a couple of loaves of bread.

Opeie was getting so excited when the ducks were eating the bread he had thrown that he was laughing and shaking. It really is the simple things that entertain children the most and all it cost was the price of a couple of loaves. It was a lovely walk despite the weather, i felt really bad though that we hadn't taken him before.

On the way back to the car we got to have some fun splashing in puddles...

We got back to the car and headed home but then decided to take a detour as the sun was still blazing. There's some Abbey ruins not far from ours and Ive never been down there as the gates are always locked, but today we thought we would give it another try today. It was a nice surprise to find them unlocked so we went for another walk. Although it was still very cold the sunshine really made it a beautiful day.

Opeie was excited running about and it was obvious that all he needed was a bit of time out of the house. When your kids have been poorly you cant help but try to keep them in the warm in hope they get better but being cooped up was clearly getting to Opeie and getting out and about in the sunshine did him the world of good. We headed home after a little bit of investigating and he was in a much better mood.

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