Wednesday 20 March 2013

"Good morning, that's a nice tnetennba."

A few nights back our good friend Chris came to see us for tea and a catch up which was great. He's a lovely chap and always makes lots of effort with the boys. We did the adult chatting (and emptied a couple of bottles of wine in the process) and in the morning he came with me and Seth to Tae Kwon Do which was a nice change. Seth was eager to get home from his class though as he had been going on all night about playing countdown (our boy is so retro). As soon as we got back we were handed our pads by Mrs M, our very own Carol Vorderman...

Seth was loving it and even came up with some longer words than Chris (tut tut Chris), although he did make up for it on the maths round. We all took it in turns to be Carol and surprisingly we ended up playing for quite some time. Thanks to Youtube we even had the countdown theme to use while we were playing. I wonder what will be next on Seth's list of retro games? im really hoping it's something like Blockbusters and not Bullseye!


Natural.Vegan.Eco.Mom said...

That was so much fun! I say we play it soon via Skype or Facetime!

Em @ said...

Blockbusters was one of the best quiz shows of the last 30 years, I still wish I could go on it!!

GiftsFromThePirates said...

I'll have a 'P' please Bob!! i used to watch it when i came in from school. I loved the krypton factor as well. xx

GiftsFromThePirates said...

We should try and get teams together all over.the country.