Saturday 30 March 2013

"Wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never thrown away."

A few days back we read a really sweet post written about us by the lovely family behind Snowingindoors, we've become good friends with them over the months and they really are a great bunch. After hearing of Annie's new interest in Lego and being huge Lego lovers ourselves me and Seth decided to send a little package to welcome her in to the world of Lego, here's what happened when the package reached its destination...


Em @ snowingindoors said...

Thanks again, they are such a big hit, and were added to over the weekend by the easter bunny.
Annie is spending her morning being a dr to her minifigs, she is 'making them look wrong', using her dr tools and then 'making them look right'. She is playing with them in ways I never even considered!!

GiftsFromThePirates said...

Sounds like shes got a great imagination on her. I love watching children play. The things that they come out with can sometimes seem crazy but they are always entertaining. I wish i could just let go sometimes and see where my head goes but I'd probably end up scaring myself haha xx