Wednesday 3 July 2013

"So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness."

I'm one of those computer users that saves everything to my desktop and not to a designated folder. It's full of screen shots of things that i have found and want to include in the blog (at some point in the future). It's also full of photos myself or Mrs M have taken but have not found a use for yet. Theres even a picture of  a pig in wellies that Opeie finds hilarious. Most of the things will probably never end up being used but they are there just in case. Well today is that 'just in case'. I need to tidy it up so I'm using this post for some of them before i finally drop and drag them all to a folder (ill probably end up with a desktop filled with folders next). Any way a random post but enjoy...

Like a said, a little random but its served its purpose my desktop looks slick, i may do this every few months. Until next time...

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