Sunday 16 September 2012

"The first virtue in a soldier is endurance of fatigue; courage is only the second virtue."

Around the house there's lots of toys that don't really belong to a collection. They might be one toy that's on its own or just a couple that don't seem to fit anywhere and just stand alone. I had brought these Playtown learning curve wooden Marvel figures a long time ago. Long before Seth and Opeie and they had always just been placed on a shelf usually away from the other toys. 

I had wanted to include them in a post for a while but it had seemed that Captain America had been 'missing in action' nowhere to be seen until last week when we decided to move the boys room around. I had assumed that he was off fighting his nemesis the Red Skull (Being the super soldier that he is) but it turn's out he was hiding under a chest of drawers with a Batman and a Penguin that we were also missing (they had probably been launched across the room by Opeie).

I'm really glad i have them all back as i have been wanting to show them to my friend Alice, she writes bigmilkthing who i mentioned in my last post as she and her boys really love wooden toys and they are also loving Spider-man after the surprise package from the wall crawler himself.

I remember getting quite excited when i spotted these as they were something a little different, kind of like a wooden marvel version of the Fisher Price DC Little people range. Only downside to them is that they only released the 4 characters, I'd have loved a big collection of them or even 4 villains would have been great.

Anyway I'm glad that Cap is back with the gang and Opeie is loving playing with them again although as you can imagine Spider-man gets most of his attention.


Alice said...

Who would have ever thought that Marvel would have experimented with the wooden toy market - such a shame they didnt take off. Captain America has to be my favorite. Thanks for sharing this, I may have to keep my eye on Ebay.

I think there will always be room for plastic toys in our house, its hard to avoid them, and there is some really great plastic stuff out there but I seriously suspect that it will be the wooden toys that will get put away and pulled out for our grandchildren to play with

GiftsFromThePirates said...

thats exactly how i feel about seths thomas trains and brio. ive always said they will be kept for grandchildren but also the batman little people will be great to get out. Ill be the coolest grandad!!

Ben Hemish 5 and 11 months. I am neary 6. said...

these are so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've seen a few of these in Home Bargains before. I really love the spiderman.

GiftsFromThePirates said...

Hi Ben thanks for reading, they are great I'm just disappointed they didn't make more characters I'd have loved a big collection of them. Hope you had a nice Christmas.