Friday 5 April 2013

A chilly walk through the hills at Carding Mill Valley

It's Mrs M's last few days of freedom as she told us this morning, She goes back to work Monday to Friday next week so she wanted to get out and do something. Seth on the other hand just wanted to stay in and wait for the postman as he is expecting some packages. But as Mrs M is the boss in our house we got ready for a day out. Seth decided that he wanted to go to Carding Mill Valley so we made a packed lunch for the car, wellies and everything we needed for wrapping up warm. The sun was bright and shiny and the sky was blue but it was rather nippy.

It was a nice drive down there and it didn't take too long, just long enough for Opeie to have a quick nap before the brisk walking commenced. Opeie was adamant that he was going to be wearing my hat and seth's gloves (quite the fashion statement). As we got closer to our destination we started to notice the snow and knew we were going to be in for a chilly mini hike.

We had a spot of lunch in the car when we arrived and then wrapped up warm for our rambling adventure. Seth finds it difficult to walk to far because of his muscles so the 10 minute walk from the car park to the reservoir took more like 40 minutes with the stopping for rests. It was lovely to be out and about walking though and the boys we're really enjoying themselves. Seth was desperate to get his wellies on so he could go splashing in the little stream and Opeie was just mesmerized by the sheep casually walking around.

We reached the Reservoir and Seth was looking a little tired so we all sat down. It was such a beautiful view...

After a 15 minute rest we headed back towards the car, the litre of water i had drank on the journey there was telling me that i needed to find somewhere before i burst, so we headed down to the coffee shop for a nice hot drink and a slice of cake, Seth for some crazy reason opted for an ice lolly?? Strange boy.

Seth by this point was itching to get back to the car so he could put his wellies on and go splashing but before leaving the coffee shop we popped into the gift shop next door and brought the boys a net each so that they could go hunting for little animals. Mrs M and the boys changed their footwear at the car and we headed to the stream which luckily was on a few meters away. Sadly i don't own a pair of wellies so i sat on the grass and took some snaps. Opeie slipped over while in there but luckily Mrs M managed to hold him up before getting a wet bum.

After the splashing in the stream the troops changed their footwear back and we headed home. Seth looked exhausted bless him. We were back home in no time and in the warm so we all went and had a cuddle on our bed. It was so nice to be out and about even with the chilly air. Seth's not with us tomorrow but we're planning on heading out somewhere nice for a walk again.

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