Saturday 6 April 2013

“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey."

Today has been day two of our long weekend of walking, we had such a great time at Carding Mill valley yesterday that we decided to go valley walking again today. The sun was glorious and it was a lot warmer than yesterday, we still needed to wrap up though. Opeie was loving being out in the sunshine and it was a really nice relaxing afternoon. 

It probably sounds daft to most people but one of the things that i love most about having a good old wander about it getting to hold Mrs M's hand, we don't seem to get a chance to do it much as we've always got our hands full with the boys, but having Opeie up on my shoulders gave me the perfect excuse for a bit of cuteness.

We got to climb up the hills and walk through streams and everything was beautiful, peaceful and very relaxing. I love being able to spend quality time with my favourite people but we were all missing Seth, it's rubbish that he doesn't get to be with us all the time.

I could have walked about for hours and i know Mrs M felt the same but Opeie hadn't had a nap and all the walking was clearly tiring him out so we headed back to the car. The walk back down was a lot easier although there was still a fair bit of snow and Mrs M was slipping all over the place, So while I'm looking for wellies for myself i think I'll also be looking for sensible walking boots for Mrs M.

I wonder where we'll be going out walking tomorrow??


Rebecca Beesley said...

what a lovely day! we were so pleased to see the sunshine too. xxx

GiftsFromThePirates said...

It certainly does make all the difference, lets hope its here to stay for a while. Thanks for reading x