Thursday 18 October 2012

"History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies."

 Mrs M has been doing some freelance work in Wolverhampton this week so its given me and Opeie some time to hang out which as you know from previous posts i cherish. It gave us a great chance to check out the art gallery which i love. Wolverhampton will always be very special to me as it's where i met that beautiful lady in my life, so going back there always puts me in a great mood. I look forward to telling Opeie one day about the very romantic first day me and Mrs M had together it may even make itself into a post one day.

The morning started off at Costa where me and Mrs M used to go before uni most mornings, we even got to sit at the table we spent a lot of time, probably only sounds like a trivial thing but the little things do mean a lot to us.

 After Coffee Mrs M went off to work and me and my boy went off to the gallery...

I was quite shocked but Opeie seemed to really love it, it was nice and bright and there was colour everywhere so he didn't know where to look first. He really loved the Victorian room as there were desks set up with various things in and you could go mooching, there were jigsaws and puzzles and Victorian dress up. It was great how the gallery had made it so interactive for children. Ive been in there loads of times but you view everything differently when your there with children and look at things the way they would.

Every room was packed with great things to look at and touch but Opeies favourite things were the horse made of raw sheep's wool and surprisingly a pine cone that was on the touch and feel table. I loved watching Opeie's little face light up as he found each new thing to look at. I honestly didn't think he would enjoy it as much as he did but he had a great time.

I took loads of pictures when we went but sadly when trying to keep and eye on Opeie on all the hard floors most of the pictures ended up blurred. Because Mrs M was working in Wolverhampton the following day too we decided to go back again so i could get some extra shots for the post. Opeie loved being able to root through the drawers again and this time with the extra adult on hand we managed to try on some masks and hats too and also more importantly the photo's came out a little better.

Its always great to go back to where the magic started , Ive got so much to thank Wolverhampton for, Without it i wouldn't be the chirpy and extremely smitten young man i am today and i would have never have Mrs M and those two beautiful little boys in my life. I feel so lucky every day for what i have and i cherish every minute i get to spend with them.

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