Wednesday 31 October 2012

"But the girl wasn't just a girl... she was a witch"

Although I'm not overly impressed by Halloween i still love a good children's book and being Halloween it seemed like as good a day as any to read The Haunted House by Kazuno Kohara, weve had this book for a few years, the story is great and the illustrations are amazing. The story is about a little girl, who isn't just a little girl but is also a witch...

The little girl moves into a haunted house (worrying for any first time buyer) but luckily she knows how to catch ghosts...

What do you do with ghosts once you've caught them i hear you ask?? well.... you pop them in the washing machine of course! Der!

And then hang them outside to dry. Sounds crazy i know but its surprising what you can actually do with freshly laundered ghosts, this little trick is enough to put even Dunelm out of business...

And the best part of a hectic day ploughing through a mountain of Supernatural washing, is you can curl up in bed and use one as a blanket. Very cute.

I love this book and the boys love it too, great reading for Halloween.

1 comment:

Natural.Vegan.Eco.Mom said...

i love this book so much!